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The government of Italy has stated that everyone over the age of 50 will be required to receive COVID immunizations.

It happened after the country had seen an all-time high of 189,000 new infections in the previous 24 hours.

The action, according to Public Administration Minister Renato Brunetta, places Italy in the forefront of European countries cracking down on those who refuse to be vaccinated, and who now make up the majority of patients in the country’s quickly filling ICU beds.

The law also applies to all university employees, regardless of age, putting higher education in line with other schools, as well as health care professionals, military personnel, and police officers.

“The text aims to slow down the growth curve of infections related to the pandemic and to provide greater protection to those categories that are most exposed and who are at greater risk of hospitalisation,” the government said in a statement.

According to the National Statistics Institute, Italy has a population of 59 million people, with 28 million over the age of 50. (Istat).

Source: euronews.com

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