How much does a digital nomad have to earn to work remotely in Romania?

On January 14, President Klaus Iohannis signed the Digital Nomads bill, which amends and supplements the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 194/2002 on the foreigner's rule in Romania.

On January 14, President Klaus Iohannis signed the Digital Nomads bill, which amends and supplements the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 194/2002 on the foreigner’s rule in Romania.


According to the bill, a digital nomad is a foreigner who works for a firm registered outside of Romania and offers services via the use of information and communication technology.


On request, a long-stay visa is granted to digital nomads who wish to travel and stay in Romania while continuing to earn money from an employment contract with a company registered outside Romania or from the activities carried out by a company registered by them outside Romania, using information and communication technology, if they meet the various requirements.


To begin, they must have earned at least three times the average gross monthly salary in Romania for each of the last six months prior to the date of submission of the visa application, an income limit that must be maintained throughout the duration of their stay in Romania under the Digital Nomad visa.


In November, Romania’s average gross wage was roughly RON 6,000. (EUR 1,200). The average gross income in the IT&C industry was RON 14,300 (EUR 2,860), implying that Romanian personnel in the best-paid sector in their own nation would not be eligible for the Digital Nomad visa.


According to, a publication dedicated to digital nomads, the average budget of a digital nomad is USD 1,875 – less than half of the Romanian minimum. also has an extensive list of paperwork that a digital nomad must furnish to Romanian authorities.

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