To fill workforce gaps, Australia offers visa rebates to students

In an effort to cover a record number of employment vacancies caused by the Covid-19 outbreak, Australia's government will offer visa discounts to students

In an effort to cover a record number of employment vacancies caused by the Covid-19 outbreak, Australia’s government will offer visa discounts to students and backpackers who wish to visit the nation.

Visitors to Australia on a student or working holiday visa will get a refund on their application fee, according to Prime Minister Scott Morrison. Morrison expressed his optimism that the newcomers would be able to help address some of Australia’s “critical workforce shortages,” particularly in the hospitality and agriculture industries.

“My message to them is ‘Come on down. Come on down now,’” Morrison said at a press conference in Canberra on Wednesday. 

Following a large outbreak of the omicron Covid-19 type, Australia’s economy has been under growing strain in recent months. As a result of being forced to isolate after contracting the illness, supply shortages have erupted across the country, leaving some store shelves bare. A number of food and logistics companies reported that between 10% and 50% of their staff were absent on any given day.

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