Japan has reduced the quarantine period for visitors from 10 to 7 days

The health ministry stated late Friday that the 10-day self-isolation requirement for people entering Japan will be reduced to seven days starting Saturday.
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The health ministry stated late Friday that the 10-day self-isolation requirement for people entering Japan will be reduced to seven days starting Saturday.

The latest action comes after the government decreased the quarantine period from 14 to 10 days on Jan. 14, which was expected to affect the trip plans of at least some foreign residents and Japanese nationals who had been putting off plans owing to the onerous restrictions until now.

The new policy was announced as the virus’s highly transmissible omicron strain continues to spread fast, making social and economic activities increasingly difficult to maintain.

Taking into account the properties of omicron, the Japanese business community, among others, had advocated for the period to be cut even shorter.

According to the National Institute of Infectious Diseases of Japan, the probability of acquiring symptoms from omicron is less than 1% on the 10th day after coming into contact with the strain, compared to 5% on the seventh day.

Following the global spread of the omicron variety, the country has prevented foreign nationals from entering in principle since Nov. 30.

Also on Friday, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said that the quarantine time for persons who have been in close contact with someone infected with COVID-19 will be reduced to seven days from the current ten days.

The period for necessary workers such as medical personnel, police officers, and child care and nursing care professionals will be shortened from the current six days to five days.

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Source: japantimes.co.jp

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