How has COVID-19 changed the HR role

HR global mobility

HR is at the forefront of businesses’ COVID-19 crisis response.

Almost every firm is being forced to establish, adapt, or upgrade remote work rules and procedures as a result of the problem.



UAE: Through better aligning itself with global markets and international working norms, the United Arab Emirates is altering the customary weekend from Friday to Saturday to Saturday and Sunday. From January of next year, the workweek will be four and a half days.

Perhaps bad managers are to blame for the labor shortage

The number of job opportunities and the percentage of people departing their employment are both around historic highs. As some economists predicted, the expiration of expanded unemployment help hasn't resulted in a flood of new employees coming off the sidelines.

The number of job opportunities and the percentage of people departing their employment are both around historic highs. As some economists predicted, the expiration of expanded unemployment help hasn’t resulted in a flood of new employees coming off the sidelines.

Europe skills shortage proved by the German dilemma

Europe's skills shortage proved by the German dilemma

According to Detlef Scheele, chairman of the agency, demographic shifts, centered on an ageing workforce and a low birth rate, Germany will confront major skills shortages unless it begins attracting smart immigrants.

Expats place a higher value on health care than on job prospects

expats medical care

A component that was found to be more significant than the cash package on offer, with 85 percent of expats claiming it to be more important than not, and the career prospects of the post, with 83 percent of expats claiming it to be more important than not.

The portrayal of a perfect post-Covid workplace

Mobility executives are being charged in many companies with analyzing, designing, and adopting new remote work procedures for the entire company. Mobility is now in charge of

This year, global people functions took a significant step forward. However, as hybrid working becomes more common, more needs to be done, particularly in terms of employee wellness and engagement.