Residency Malta processes 180 Malta Nomad Residence Permit Applications

The Malta Nomad Residence Permit, which was launched in June 2021, has been a huge success in attracting non-European digital nomads to live and work in Malta.

The Malta Nomad Residence Permit, which was launched in June 2021, has been a huge success in attracting non-European digital nomads to live and work in Malta. 

The Parliamentary Secretary for Citizenship and Communities said at a press conference that the Residency Malta Agency had received over 180 applications to date, with an average of one application per working day. When global travel restrictions are removed, the Agency is expecting to receive more applications. 

A number of digital nomads working in Malta have embraced a new distant working and living paradigm as a result of the scheme. Apart from a solid infrastructure, Malta has a vibrant lifestyle, pleasant weather, and a welcoming environment and community.

Apart from a solid infrastructure, Malta has a vibrant lifestyle, pleasant weather, and a welcoming environment and community. Furthermore, the official language of Malta is English, making the adjustment to Malta simple.

With an average salary of roughly €60,000, the bulk of applicants for the Malta Nomad Residence Permit come from the United Kingdom and the United States. The majority of applicants are men, with an average age of 27. The majority of digital nomads who apply for this program work for international companies in management, information technology, or marketing.

The Requirements for a Nomad Residence Permit in Malta

A non-EU person must demonstrate a gross monthly income of €2,700 to be eligible to apply for the Malta Nomad Residence Permit. In addition, the candidate must send a statement of intent demonstrating that he or she can work from Malta utilizing technical means. 

Applicants must be employed by a company registered outside of Malta, undertake business activities for a company registered outside of Malta in which the applicant is a stakeholder or partner, or give freelancing services to clients with permanent establishments in another country to qualify.

Families, including spouses and financially dependent children, are welcome to join digital nomads.

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