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We’re all selling something at some point in life: to our business partners, family, friends, strangers, customers, colleagues, children, and even ourselves.

On a daily basis, we are immersed in a never-ending barrage of pitches. Life is, after all, a pitch, I suppose. Christine Morlet, CSP Speech Coach shared with xpath.global a step-by-step guide on how to make a big impact in the first handful of seconds.


Whatever job you have, you will most likely have to sell or pitch something at some point. You may need to pitch that broccoli to your kids, a vacation destination to your friends, and your idea to your boss or business partner. You may also need to pitch your suppliers to try and negotiate a better deal.


What would the average length of a successful pitch be? 


Let’s pretend that we’re in a typical business scenario. The seven-second pitch, after all, is just a marketing gimmick. It’s a marketing tool to say, “OK, it needs to be succinct and to the point.” And a good pitch is useful when you need to network or meet new people. So it needs to be short, but comprehensive.

How do you make the audience remember you?


If you want to anchor something, initiate something, or talk to the right brain, you’ll walk on the left side of the stage.


As you may know, if you want to say something, a characteristic or a technical thing that you notice, you walk in the opposite direction from where you stand, because the audience views you from the other side. Moving right communicates with the left hemisphere of the brain, which will make your audience remember what you said.


Don’t be a cookie-cutter. With no smile modulation, and the same intonation. You must also employ the entire voice in the same intonation.


When you’re giving a presentation, you have to interrupt every six minutes.


Whether it’s at a virtual or live event, you need a sense of humour. It could be a joke or a smile on someone’s face, for example. When I talk about my hands and jewelry, for example, people just smile and remark, “Hey, she’s a nice person.” 


Have your body open. 


When your body opens and your hand turns to the audience it gives the public a sense of familiarity and they’ll trust and like what you say to them better. 

Always open a pitch with a smile


A smiley face gives the best first impression and – let’s face it – no one can see your personality that fast first.


Being self confident. 

A good tip about being self confident is anchoring yourself really well. How do you do that? Before you need to give a presentation, imagine you have a balloon in the belly. Take deep breaths when you feel those droplets of sweat. This will calm you from within and you’ll be more relaxed and appear as confident.


And now, for the successful 7-seconds pitch formula:


The compelling 7-seconds pitch formula is: I am [first name], [last name], [function]. I help [target group] who has [issues/ problems/ suffering], get [benefit], I am [brand]. 


So that would be: I am Christine Morlet, a speech coach and professional speaker. I help senior entrepreneurs who don’t know what to do with their hands when they speak, to become really memorable. I am the positive influence specialist.


You may watch the entire interview with Christine on our YouTube channel HERE. Don’t forget to leave a Subscribe and comment if you found it helpful!

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